Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Holidays !!!

orange aura

Your aura shines Orange!

What Color Is Your Aura?
brought to you by Quizilla

Have you ever....?

Saw this floating around, so I'm doing the meme, too!

Have you ever...?

smoked a cigar: yes
crashed a friend’s car: no
stolen a car: no
been in love: yes
been dumped: yes
dumped someone: yes
taken shots of alcohol: yes. phase 10 is a great drinking game :)
been fired: no
been in a fist fight: yes
snuck out of a/your house: no
had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: yes
been arrested: no
made out with a stranger: no
gone on a blind date: no
lied to a friend: probably
had a crush on a teacher: no
seen someone die:no
been on a plane: yes
thrown up in a bar: no
miss someone right now: yes
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: yes
made a snow angel: yes
played dress up: yes
cheated while playing a game: probably
been lonely: yes
fallen asleep at work/school: 7:45 am classes suck
used a fake id: yes, had one at 18
felt an earthquake: no
touched a snake: yes
run a red light: yes, but not intentionally
had detention: yes, too many times
been in a car accident: yes, not bad though, just a bump
hated the way you look: no
been lost: yes
been to the opposite side of the country: yes
felt like dying: yes
cried yourself to sleep: yes
played cops and robbers: yes
karaoke: yes... great times
done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: oh yes
laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose: no
caught a snowflake on your tongue: yes
kissed in the rain: no, then I'd get my hair wet and that's a no-no.
sang in the shower: yes
made love in a park: no
had a dream that you married someone: it wasn't a dream :) and it camt true 5 years later.
glued your hand to something: yes
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole: no
worn the opposite sex’s clothes: yes
been a cheerleader: yes for 2 or 3 years
sat on a roof top: yes
talked on the phone all night: yes
ever too scared to watch scary movies alone: lol... yup
played chicken fight: lol.. yesssss
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: yes
been told you’re hot by a complete stranger: always
broken a bone: no
dipped snuff: no
lived overseas: no
ever passed out/fainted: umm.. possibly

If you read this.. do it too and put it up on your blog!! Have a great holiday everyone !


eve knits said...

Go ahead and do it too!!!

Jacqueline said...

done it! Very cool one.