Monday, November 07, 2005

whats new pussy cat

what a draining day!! i started a pair of socks today. i dont care to make them but i learned how to knit it on a circ and its been good so far. im knitting a lace pattern on it and im likeing the way its turning out.

i also joined an ornament swap and cant wait to get started. i know i should be knitting christmas presents right now but im not. im procrastinating, as usual. tomorrow will be definitely dedicated to knitting.

heres a quiz... take one and see what you score.

Your Japanese name should be


which means "firefly".

You're like
a firefly, full of energy and always moving.
You can't sit at home for a long time, you just
have to DO something! You're very active and

Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!]
brought to you by Quizilla

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