Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Knitting News

Thanks so much for the nice comments. They really made me realize that hey, maybe Blogger isn't really that bad. I dunno, maybe it was just a glitch in the matrix or tons of people were trying to upload at the exact same time as me. But anyway, here are the pics that I wanted to upload a while back.

This is the Icarus Shawl from the lates IK. If you look at the pic again, you'll see that it's halfway off the needle. I don't know how that happened, but that project has been stopped. The yarn that I was using was Kid Mohair or something or other that's a real pain to frog. Oh well. I have restarted it in Knit Picks Gossamer color Sweet Peas and I'm at about row 25.

Here's the cabled baby blanket. I tried kniting a plain SS blanket but they (yes, I tried more than one time) became boring too quickly and i usually got 1/3 of the way through before I quit them. Off to the frog pond they go! The cables keep me interested enough and I am now about 1/3 done and not tired of knitting it yet!

These are the socks that I am working on.
1. LL colorway Cool sz 1 Majic loop method
2. Trekking XXL dark blues sz 0 majic loop method
3. Regia Cotton fushia, yellow, Orange sx 2 DPN Jaywalker anklettes
4.Opal colorway "Docktor Fish" sx 1 DPN Jaywalkers

I have aslo started a few other socks. One is using the "Dragon Skin Lace" and the other sock is grass green with blue toes and heels (a gift, but I really want to keep it!)
The pic is sideways and I don't know how to fix it. Maybe I'll figure that out later.I'm thinking about posting the pattern here. What do you guys think?

I joined the International Tote Exchange and I have an idea of what my pal likes. I'm knitting a trial bag now to work out the kinks. Pics on that is sure to come. That's all for now!!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Love the dragonskin pattern. I hope that you post it.