Monday, December 26, 2005

Happy Holidays !!!

orange aura

Your aura shines Orange!

What Color Is Your Aura?
brought to you by Quizilla

Have you ever....?

Saw this floating around, so I'm doing the meme, too!

Have you ever...?

smoked a cigar: yes
crashed a friend’s car: no
stolen a car: no
been in love: yes
been dumped: yes
dumped someone: yes
taken shots of alcohol: yes. phase 10 is a great drinking game :)
been fired: no
been in a fist fight: yes
snuck out of a/your house: no
had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back: yes
been arrested: no
made out with a stranger: no
gone on a blind date: no
lied to a friend: probably
had a crush on a teacher: no
seen someone die:no
been on a plane: yes
thrown up in a bar: no
miss someone right now: yes
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by: yes
made a snow angel: yes
played dress up: yes
cheated while playing a game: probably
been lonely: yes
fallen asleep at work/school: 7:45 am classes suck
used a fake id: yes, had one at 18
felt an earthquake: no
touched a snake: yes
run a red light: yes, but not intentionally
had detention: yes, too many times
been in a car accident: yes, not bad though, just a bump
hated the way you look: no
been lost: yes
been to the opposite side of the country: yes
felt like dying: yes
cried yourself to sleep: yes
played cops and robbers: yes
karaoke: yes... great times
done something you told yourself you wouldn’t: oh yes
laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose: no
caught a snowflake on your tongue: yes
kissed in the rain: no, then I'd get my hair wet and that's a no-no.
sang in the shower: yes
made love in a park: no
had a dream that you married someone: it wasn't a dream :) and it camt true 5 years later.
glued your hand to something: yes
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole: no
worn the opposite sex’s clothes: yes
been a cheerleader: yes for 2 or 3 years
sat on a roof top: yes
talked on the phone all night: yes
ever too scared to watch scary movies alone: lol... yup
played chicken fight: lol.. yesssss
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: yes
been told you’re hot by a complete stranger: always
broken a bone: no
dipped snuff: no
lived overseas: no
ever passed out/fainted: umm.. possibly

If you read this.. do it too and put it up on your blog!! Have a great holiday everyone !

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Ornamental Gift

I heart my Ornamental buddy. She sent the most beautiful felted snowman, hand dyed roving that she dyed herself, and a card!

I've already gotten into the roving and spun a little last night!

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Here's the baby outfit. It took about 5 days to knit. ok.. heres the stats... The cardi was knit with Laines du Nord (almost 4 skeins) but I dont remember what colorway. The pattern was . It was an easy pattern but the yarn called for size 3 needles, so it took me for ever. I did not put in buttons, but I attached 2 I-cords to the front to make a cute little tie. The pants were made from TLC cotton (2 sheins) on sz 7 needles. That patterncan be found at . This was a VERY quick knit. I think it took me 4 hours to comeplete. Again, in stead of putting elastic in the waistband, I made a drawstring closure using the leftover yarn from the cardi to make an I-cord. The sizes for both were 18-24 months and fit the baby wonderfully :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Wow!! I can't believe that it's been a month since my last post! I've been knitting like crazy trying to finish up Christmas gifts. As soon as I get to the end of my list 94875398 more gift requests come out of nowhere. I went form having to knit 4 pairs of kid socks, 1 pair of toddler socks, a cabled hat, and an intarsia scarf with my brother's nickname in it, a hat for my husband and an Ornamental gift to also knitting a belt, another pair of toddler socks, a hat for my niece and nephew(which is not done yet), a scarf for my sister(Not even started), a cardi and pant set for 18-24 mo old(the cardi is almost done and the pants not started yet), and a few sweaters to fit my nieces Brat Dolls. Ugh!

I am hoping to finish the cardi today and get started on the pants this evening. Since my brother's b-day is the 27th, im going to wait till after Christmas to start it. It will be knitted on sz 10 1/2 needles so it will go quick.
The scarf for my sister will be knitted as soon as I find a pattern. She gave me an early Christmas present of Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb in the colorway of Purple Club. She also purchased one for herself in the colorway of Flame. They are so beautiful. And soft. And oh so yummy. Since I only have 1 skein of Flame, I dont know what pattern would look nice and make a decent lenght scarf.

I am still teaching the knitting class on Sundays. It's so much fun to see the children knit and actually understand what they are doing to the point where they can fix most of their own mistakes. They love the class so much that on their way out they are talking about the following weeks' class. It's great!!

I am sending out my Ornamental Gift today. I hope she gets it before Christmas. Most likely she will. I hope she likes it :).

Update: Here's the ornament:). I already shipped it so she should get it any day!!
I have tons of pics to post, but they have to wait until HWDT gets back from FL next week somtime with the digital wire for the cam.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow. This week has been soooo busy. He Who Drives Trucks (HWDT) and I finally got our marriage licence and are getting married this week through the court. We decided to go this way For financial reasons and basically, it was the right thing to do. I do plan on having a big wedding in about 2 years in Florida where the majority of my family lives. Also in about 2 years I will be finished with school and will deserve a break.

On the knitting front, I finished 1 ornament for the Ornamental Swap. I'm way ahead of schedule and I'm thinking about doing a few more. They are so small and easy to make. I also finished a pair of baby socks, which are sooooooooooo cute, and casted on for another pair. I am so far ahead on my christas gift list its not even funny. I might even have enough time to make a pair of gloves for myself in the black/brown alpaca I have in my stash :)

As for the knitting class, it was a success. I taught 3 girls, ages 5,7,10 how to knit. The project as a headband knit in Sugars & Cream cotton yarn. They casted on 10 sts and we went from there. Since I don't wear headbands, I made mine into a belt. I used the long tail method of casting on because its the easiest for beginners.They got the basics of it but after about 45 minutes, the wanted to color.

After teaching the 3 girls how to knit the parents asked me to teach them. I have to admit, teaching adults is way easier than teaching children. The 2 adults (one was a father) picked it up very quickly. The mother of the 5yr old picked up knitting and already finished her project, which started off as aheadband and ended up as a belt for her daughter.

The next thing i want to learn how to do is spin. I purchased a spinning kit off of ebay and it should be here tomorrow. I cant wait!! I'm so excited!! Does anyone have any tips on spinning?

Pics will be posted later.. the batteries are dead... ugh!!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

All Work and No PLay

Well.. I started a new job a few days ago as an Assistant Stylist. Oh how I love the art of beautifying people. With all the hustle and bustle of adjusting to the new job, I did find time a little bit of time to knit. I've started and ornament for the ornamental swap. I think I'll make a few because they are so easy. I started on a mini sweater and i have 1 sleeve and the body completed after only 1 1/2 hrs.

I'm aslo putting together a knitting class for a few children that I know. I'm so excited to see that so many people around me are interesed in learning how to knit. My first class will be on Sunday and I think there will be 3 girls and 2 adults there, ready to learn. I would also like to put together a beginners spinning class and a yarn dyeing class. Hopefully if more people find interest in knitting I will be able to start a knitting group, because there aren't any around me that I know of. The nearest LYS is about 45 min away and i haven't found any time to check them out.

Progress pics will be posted later!!

Monday, November 07, 2005


quiz time!!
You are: CHERRY!!
Preppy, cheery, and loving, you are as sweet as
cherries! lol! You're always on the go and
ambitious... well, most of the time at least.

What Fruit Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Laid Back---Your handwriting seems to be more
flowing and graceful. This means that you are
pretty laid back and carefree most of the time.
The fact that your handwriting can be so
quickly written and sometimes messy is not a
bad thing, because it means that you want to
hurry and do what you are doing to get one with
the better things in life. You are liked by
most, and any enemies you may have are caused
by jelousy towards you of people who envy your
happy-go-lucky outlook on life.

Oh yeah and that picture doesnt have anything to do
with you, I just couldnt find a good one.

brought to you by Quizilla

hmmm.. thats pretty accurate.

whats new pussy cat

what a draining day!! i started a pair of socks today. i dont care to make them but i learned how to knit it on a circ and its been good so far. im knitting a lace pattern on it and im likeing the way its turning out.

i also joined an ornament swap and cant wait to get started. i know i should be knitting christmas presents right now but im not. im procrastinating, as usual. tomorrow will be definitely dedicated to knitting.

heres a quiz... take one and see what you score.

Your Japanese name should be


which means "firefly".

You're like
a firefly, full of energy and always moving.
You can't sit at home for a long time, you just
have to DO something! You're very active and

Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


mariah is finished... but now comes the blocking and seaming up. i have also made 2 pockets and those will also be blocked as well, but that wont happen until i get home on friday. i am very satisfied with the way it turned out and will probably cast on for another mariah in a more reasonable color. pics will be posted soon.

Monday, October 31, 2005


well... i bet youre wondering what a smood is... its a shitty mood. and ive been in one all day. i think it has to do with the fact o was up at 5 am to go to jersey. the joys of living a truckers life.... mariah didnt get completed, but it should be done by tomorrow. im thinking about putting pockets and not making the hood. but anyway, here is what mariah looks like so far....
heres my lil buddy. Tigre (Tee- Grey). the kitty from you know where... hes so bad. i cant wait until i can get him fixed. maybe that will calm him down!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

This n That Part 2

well... here are the pics that didnt load up in the last entry. enjoy:)

This n That

well, mariah should have been finished, but guess what... its not.... and this is partly why....

yep... my psp. never leave home without it. ive been playing hot shots golf and im this close to beating it. also in the pic are pieces of mariah... she will be finished soon. my psp came with a black cover, but it was eaten by this guy, so i made one for it :).

hopefully i will be finishedwith mariah tomorrow sometime and will be able to post finished pics.

in between mariah, i have completed some wrist warmers out of some 100% acrylic and a pair of toddler sized socks. oh, how i loathe socks... i dont know why, but i hate making socks.... but that doesnt stop me. i make them once in a while. im going to have to suck it up b/c i have like 5 pairs to make before christmas...... ugh!!

im already thinking of my next project... something with intarsia or fair ilse. im looking for patterns and ideas..well... i'll leave a few pics of mariah in progress.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Cablely Goodness

Mariah is coming along great. So far, the sleeves are done and the body will be started shortly. after finishing sleeve #2, i saw that i did an extra repeat... so riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip. Back a whole repeat. But other than that, I'm lovin this pattern. I've also decided to knit one for my sis-in-law, but with a different center panel. pics are soon to come.. i just dont feel like hooking up the cam to get them.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Another Day, Another Project

i'm casting on for mariah from i'm using paton's merino in winter white for the main color and that's pink for a border. i think it'll come out very nice. thats all the news i have for now......

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Day 1

well.. this is the first day with a blog... i guess im stepping up in technology. so far today.. i have 2 f/o's. 1. clapotis , pattern from made with 3 skeins alpaca yarn in a dark chocolate brown started on 9/19 and finished 9/26 but didnt get to block it until today 2. a shrug made from 2 1/4 skiens egyptian mercerized cotton in a pretty blue started on 9/26 and finished on 9/27.